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grass fed
Most cattle are only raised and fattened on the pasture and grazed on the natural pasture. Grass-fed beef is low in fat and cholesterol and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Generally, there are six kinds of forage for cattle: stubble left in the field after crop harvest, natural forage and shrub, forage for artificial irrigation and fertilization, legume forage, silage (fermented forage) and hay.
grain fed
Only 85-90% of the grain-fed cattle are kept in the pasture. When they reach a certain weight or age, they are transferred to the feedlot for fattening. The main grains used during the grain feeding period are wheat, barley, sorghum, and black wheat. At the same time, lupine, purple pea, cottonseed or rapeseed by-products, as well as silage or hay, are used to provide cattle with the protein, carbohydrate, fat and crude fiber needed for growth.